Continuous sitting or having the same posture causes peripheral pooling of blood in the soleus muscle sinuses. This blood getting collected and not being returned back into circulation causes a drop in blood pressure, temporary blackout in front of the eyes, sudden giddiness on standing from sitting position. It is good to keep moving and allow the calf muscles to contract well helping better functioning of the heart. Also, continuous…
Continued exposure to bright causes over stimulation of the brain cortex leading to lack of concentration, irritability, inability to focus and easy fatigue. Also difficulty in falling asleep. Eyes do not blink as often when working on the screen, leading to dry eyes, itching, sometimes watering and weakness of vision requiring revision of correction glasses. Screen exposure interferes with the day and night circadian rhythm of the body system, hormone…
Does hair fact interfere with any other ongoing treatments ?
Our Hair Fact does not fight in the body, it delivers results by improving wellness of the body cells. It is always welcome in any disease state and goes well with any ongoing treatments. It is safe and shall achieve 30-35% improvement in hair growth for all cases.
My patient has suddenly started losing more hair during the therapy?
Hair growth is in a flux. In response to changes in the season, exposure to UV rays, pollution, stress, sleep, lifestyle variations, hair will fall more or less in the 4 months cycle. We cannot obliterate this response but we can grow back all the fallen hair and more. Finally there will be good hair to keep.
After improvement with initial 6-8 months of hair fact therapy patients find it boring or cost consuming and tend to drop out. Now patients can choose to have a low cost maintenance kit to preserve the benefits. Later if the patient has hair loss due to raise in the causative factors, the regular hair fact kits can if restarted if required. You can decide from three different combinations below: ■…